Companion Planting Part 5

Companion Planting Plan: Where and Why

Finally, we have arrived at Part 5 where I am sharing the layout for each of our four garden beds identifying what and where I plant the vegetables, herbs, and flowers to create a productive garden and hospitable habitat for beneficial insects.

Let’s begin with the overall picture of the garden beds which reside in our front yard!


Companion Planting- Part 4

Companion Planting – Using Flowers

Hospitable Habitat

            One of the most important aspects of the companion planting theory is attracting beneficial insects to the garden…and, more importantly, keeping them there.  All living beings require food, water and shelter to survive.  Aside from the obvious meal (garden pests,) beneficials love the pollen and nectar provided by a diverse array of vegetables, herbs, and flowers.

So, a few points to consider when choosing and placing flowers in the vegetable garden.
